A cotton wedding anniversary.

I once asked the people of Facebook what “love” was for an article I was writing. My boyfriend at the time wouldn’t even answer the question which did not bode well for the future of our relationship. I mean, neither did the cheating, but still. I didn’t know what love was then and I think I do now.

Love is not having to define a word because the word defines you.

It envelopes your entire life and can be found in the simplest of interactions. It is everywhere. In the sneaky face lick of a dog while you fasten your shoes in the morning to the agonising claws of a cat sending knife wounds of pain through your arms.

It’s in the call of your name and a middle finger when you turn around.
It’s in endless patience when you are anxious and snappy and frustrated and a pain in the arse.
It’s in cleaning the house because they are exhausted.
It’s in cooking delicious meals because they need cheering up.
It’s in cancelling plans to snuggle up on the sofa and recharge, rest, recuperate.
It’s in sacrificing a bath because they need it more.
It’s in walks in the rain, cheese and bread, poopscooping.
It’s in the mundane minutiae of the everyday.
It’s in a tent in Norfolk.
It’s in the old hoodie owned by one and worn by both.
It’s in a laugh.
It’s in a look.

Love is a confidence that you did not even know was possible.
Love is in looking in the mirror and not hating what you see.
Love is what you were always searching for; realising when you find it, that you have never had it before.
Love is the strength to remove toxicity from your life.
Love is the courage to walk away from people and situations that only cause you pain.
Love is the knowledge that you deserve more.
Love is your best friend.
Love is your staunchest defender.
Love makes you laugh like nobody else.
Love is knowing your worth.
Love is recognising exactly what you are capable of.
Love is finding your dreams and living them every day.
Love is friendship.
Love creates love.

Happy 2nd wedding anniversary Stickhead. Five years since we met. They haven’t been the easiest of years at times and together, we have learned what an incredible fucking team we are. There is nothing that we can not face together. I am filled with such gratitude, every day, to know you, to live with you, to love you. You have given me the gift of love and safety that I cherish every day. And laughter. So much laughter. This family that we have created together is my most treasured possession, nothing material could ever compare.

So thank you Miss Davy. Thank you for helping me to be the best person I can be. Thank you for surrounding me with hairy little babies that love us as much as I love you. Thank you for filling my life with such joy and laughter and love. Thank you for loving me even when I am a colossal wanker. Thank you xxx

Post wedding, exhausted and ecstatic.


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